Park City Award…

Ok, so for those of you who have been following my blog for a few months, you may remember that a film of mine “The End of All Things” screened at the 2009 Park City Film Music Festival back in January (which takes place in Park City, Utah, during Sundance). Well, I just found out yesterday that apparently my film won “Director’s Choice: GOLD MEDAL” Award which is one of that festival’s highest honors… which is pretty exciting and honestly made my day. I guess it just took them a while to get the awards out, but hey, it’s great to find out we won an award 2-months ago :). While I truly think that any Award presented to a film is really a testament to everyone in the Cast & Crew’s work on that film, this award is specifically shared with the film’s composer, Douglas Romayne, who is simply amazing, and did an incredible job on the score. You can check out the film’s website here: and Douglas’ website here:

One Response to “Park City Award…”

  1. I have been looking looking around for this kind of information. Will you post some more in future? I’ll be grateful if you will.

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