Life Lessons I Learned From The Movies: Adulthood…
Ok, so since I watch a ridiculous amount of movies each week and I’m not too terribly fond of writing reviews, I’ve decided to start a new series here focusing on some of the more humorous life-lessons that can be taken from the movies (whether intentionally or unintentionally – focusing mostly on “blockbusters”, which I honestly don’t see too many of, but hey) that I’ve seen recently. I’ll add on to this series from time to time, in addition to my normal posts. Here’s the first one for you…
So, what makes a boy into a man? Well, according to the movie “Hellboy”… killing really huge monsters and giving long kisses to hot chicks who spontaneously combust. So, ca’mon kids, better get movin’!
Hi, interest post. I’ll write you later about few questions!